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French Affair 56 Items
    French Affair / 56 Items
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    Non-woven wallpapers from the French Affair collection by A.S. Creation

    Transform your four walls into a true work of art with the wallpapers from the French Affair collection by AS Creation. The non-woven wallpapers pay homage to the unmistakable charm of French elegance and bring a touch of France into your home. Discover the entire AS Creation collection in our shop!

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    Classic motifs and modern interpretations

    To give your rooms a special touch, the collection combines classic motifs with modern interpretations inspired by the French way of life. Abstract graphic motifs in the Bauhaus style, tropical leaf motifs in the Art Deco style or modern wooden looks in the Scandi style can be found here as designs. In addition to the patterned wallpapers, this collection also includes colour-coordinated plain wallpapers that can be ideally combined with the various designs.