Wepos glass cleaner concentrate for streak-free windows 1 L
The glass cleaner from Wepos is a concentrate that is ideal for cleaning glass, frames or car windows. It can be used, among other things, to clean windows, showcases, glass tables, glass doors, windshields, winter gardens, glasses or mirrors. The concentrate not only ensures streak-free cleaning with high grease and dirt-dissolving power, but also prevents the glass surface from quickly becoming dirty again thanks to its anti-soiling effect. Even stubborn dirt such as greasy films, skin oils, fumes, nicotine deposits and fly dirt can be removed with the cleaner. An additional anti-fog effect is achieved for glasses and mirrors.
Approx. Add 100 ml to a bucket of lukewarm water. Wash the surface with a cloth, sponge or window wiper and then leather off or remove with a rubber lip.
Note: Anti-fog effect is increased by repeated use
Caution! Causes serious eye irritation.
Wepos glass cleaner with high grease and dirt-dissolving power
Content: 1 liter
Form: concentrate
Area of application: glass, Frames, car windows, windows, showcases, glass tables, glass doors, windshields, winter gardens, glasses and mirrors
Features: streak-free, Streak-free, high grease and dirt dissolving power, with anti-soiling effect, anti-fog effect on mirrors and glasses
EU Responsible person
WEPOS Chemie GmbH
Am Selder 31,
47906 Kempen,
+49 2152 871370
WEPOS Chemie GmbH
Am Selder 31,
47906 Kempen,
+49 2152 871370
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