Polarweiß Extra by Einfach Schöner is the perfect support for your renovation work. The German Brand product is available in 5 liters and optimally suited for professional indoor coatings. Due to its excellent material characteristics Polarweiß Extra is easy usable, well filling and low-emission. Furthermore, the product dries fast and is low-odour.
Safety data sheets can be found under Info-Download.
Colouration: white
Capacity: 10 liters (is sufficient for approx. 70 m² by one coating, accoarding to ground)
Application: indoor
Weather resistance: unsuitable for outdoor
Drying time: dry surface after 4 hours, reworkable after 6 hours (lower temperatures increase the drying time)
Characteristics: high quality coating, well-covering, easy usable, well adhering, odour-free
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